This is What Awakening Sovereigns Speak Like! ...Next?—Stop Paying Taxes! They're ACTUALLY Illegal‼️ After That?—You Keep SPEAKING to YOUR EMPLOYEES What You Expect of Them and Why Your Voted(HIRED) Them!
These Genuine Tears is What Gains This Clip Any Attention Here, Reflecting Back at Humanity (Politics Irrelevant) its AVERAGE/Widespread False Beliefs Generated From Fear—Thus Beliefs/Questions are Born of False Premises, and it'll TRIP YOU UP!
Know When it’s Time to Release Them and Tear Up the “Contract”. NOTE: The Next Lesson isn’t Necessarily Any Better or Worse. It is What’s Appropriate for You, and You Can Just Hope for the Best! 🙏🏽 — Dolores Cannon
Peers Invite Madison Cawthorn to Satanic Orgy [This is NNNOOOTTT an Excuse for You to Argue for Your Limitations—This is So You’re Informed, Not Surprised, and Aware of What You’re Transcending!]