What is MKULTRA in under 3 minutes So True It Hurts

1 year ago

What is MKULTRA in under 3 minutes So True It Hurts

List of MKULTRA Unclassified Documents
(including subprojects)

This information was transcribed from faxes and brochures which are available from the National Security Archive.

Please note that the documents listed are only those requested by John Marks for research purposes. Some of the information in the released documents has been verified, other information has not. Also please note that there have been some transciption errors.

About the Archive Library

The National Security Archive
Gelman Library, The George Washington University
2130 H Street, N.W., Suite 701
Washington, D.C. 20037
Phone: 202/994-7000
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The National Security Archive is a non-governmental research institute and library that collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, a public interest law firm defending and expanding public access to government information through the FOIA, and an indexer and publisher of the documents in books, microfische, and electronic formats.

The National Security Archive was founded in 1985 by a group of journalists and scholars who had obtained documentation under the FOIA and sought a centralized repository for these materials. Over the past twelve years, the Archive has become the world's largest non-governmental library of declassified documents.

This is the inventory list of donated materials in the National Security Archive's collection, from John Marks' FOIA request results which he used to do research for his book The Search For The Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control, The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences. (1979) W. W. Norton, published as Norton paperback in 1991, ISBN 0-393-30794-8).

INVENTORY: CIA Behavior Experiments Collection (John Marks Donation)
Date Range: 1940s-1970s

Box #1 - Artichoke Documents--MKULTRA DOCS 1-57

Burch, Dr. Neil/LSD and the Air Force: Smithsonian: Index and Institutional Notifications
Subproject 1: MKULTRA: Plants Isolation and Characterization of Rivea Corymbosa
Subproject 2: MKULTRA: Drugs
Subproject 3: MKULTRA: Testing
Subproject 4: MKULTRA: Mulholland's Manual
Subproject 5a: MKULTRA
Subproject 5b: MKULTRA: Denver University Hypnosis
Subproject 6: MKULTRA: Testing of Plants by HEF
Subproject 7: MKULTRA: Funding; ONR Probably Abramson
Subproject 8: MKULTRA: Boston Psychopathic Hospital
Subproject 9: MKULTRA: Depressants, Schizophrenics, Alcoholics
Subproject 10: MKULTRA: Personality Assessment
Subproject 11: MKULTRA: Botanicals Popkin (Documents and articles on Luis Angel Castillo)
Subproject 12: MKULTRA: Financial Records
Subproject 13: MKULTRA: CIA Support to Fort Detrick
Subproject 14: MKULTRA: Paying Bureau of Narcotics for White
Subproject 15: MKULTRA: Magic Support; Mulholland Supplement
Subproject 16: MKULTRA: Testing Apartment Rental
Subproject 17: MKULTRA: LSD Studies of [excised] University
Subproject 19: MKULTRA: Magic Manual
Subproject 20: MKULTRA: Synthesis Derivative of Yohimbine Hydrochloride
Subproject 21: MKULTRA: Defector Study: originally Drug Study
Subproject 22: MKULTRA: William Cook and Co. Research: Amanita Muscaria, Rivea Corymbosa
Subproject 26: MKULTRA: Pfeiffer, Finances
Subproject 27: MKULTRA: ONR Funding, LSD Research
Subproject 28: MKULTRA: Pfeiffer
Subproject 30: MKULTRA: Fort Detrick (1)
Subproject 30: MKULTRA: Fort Detrick (2)
Subproject 30: MKULTRA: Fort Detrick (3)
Subproject 31: MKULTRA: Manufacture of Drugs by Pellow Wease Chemical Co.
Subproject 32: MKULTRA: Collection of Plants
Subproject 33: MKULTRA: Collection of 400 for SUBPR #27
Subproject 34: MKULTRA: More Support to Magic
Subproject 35: MKULTRA: Georgetown Hospital: Geschichter
Subproject 36: MKULTRA: Cuba Chapter Conference, Consultant, Subproject involving getting a man on a diverted freighter
Subproject 37: MKULTRA: Collection of Botanicals
Subproject 38: MKULTRA
Subproject 39: MKULTRA: Iowa State Hospital (and Ionia)
Subproject 40: MKULTRA: Funding, Probably Abrams LSD Research

Box #2

Subproject 42: MKULTRA: Safehouse Chapter 7: MKULTRA Interview Notes White, George Hunter Dope Traffickers' Nemesis
Subproject 43: MKULTRA: Combination drug, Hypnosis, Sensory Deprivation
Subproject 44: MKULTRA: Testing of Aromatic Amines at University of Illinois
Subproject 45: MKULTRA: Knockout, Stress, Cancer
Subproject 46: MKULTRA: Rochester LSD Drugs
Subproject 47: MKULTRA: Pfeiffer Atlanta
Subproject 47: MKULTRA: (1) Pfeiffer Atlanta/Bordertown
Subproject 48: MKULTRA: HEF Cornell Relationship: Artichoke Team Proposals and Reports
Subproject 49: MKULTRA: Hypnosis at [excised] University
Subproject 50: MKULTRA: CIA Imprest Fund for $500
Subproject 51: MKULTRA: (1) Moore Collecting Botanicals
Subproject 52: MKULTRA: (2) Moore Collecting Botanicals
Subproject 53: MKULTRA: (3) Moore Collecting Botanicals
Subproject 53: MKULTRA: Review Pharmacological lit.
Subproject 54: MKULTRA: Brain Concussion
Subproject 55: MKULTRA: Unwitting Drug Tests at [excised] University
Subproject 56: MKULTRA: Studies on Alcohol, Stanford Medical school
Subproject 57: MKULTRA: Sleep and Insomnia at GW: MKULTRA: Lloyd Gould
Subproject 57: MKULTRA: Sleep

Box # 3

C-30 Project MUDHEN Jack Anderson
MKULTRA --To File: Massachusetts (Bibliographic Citations, articles on mind control experiments in Massachusetts): John Jacobs' Kentucky
Subproject 58: MKULTRA: J. P. Morgan and Co. (see Wasson file) Agency Policy and Conferences
Subproject 59: MKULTRA: Unwitting Drug Tests at University of Maryland
Subproject 60: MKULTRA: Human Ecology
Subproject 61: MKULTRA
Subproject 62: MKULTRA: Consulting Work in Isolation/Electric Shock/CNS Drugs
Subproject 63: MKULTRA: (1) Drugs and Alcohol (Butler)
Subproject 64: MKULTRA: Drugs
Subproject 65: MKULTRA: Hungarian Refugees
Subproject 66: MKULTRA: Alcohol and Drug Study
Subproject 67: MKULTRA: CIA Use of Institutes Facilities -- University of Indiana
Subproject 69: MKULTRA: Rutgers
Subproject 70: MKULTRA: "Knockout"
Subproject 71: MKULTRA: Dr. Wallace Chan at Stanford University Testing Drugs
Subproject 72: MKULTRA: Testing Drugs for Effects on Central Nervous System
Subproject 73: MKULTRA: University of Kentucky: Narcotics Farms, Narco-Hypnosis
Subproject 74: MKULTRA: Small HEF Subproject (1)
Subproject 74: MKULTRA: Small HEF Subproject (2)
Subproject 75: MKULTRA: Mass. Mental Health (by Project number of master list)
Subproject 77: MKULTRA: Biological Lab (1)
Subproject 78: MKULTRA: Biological Lab (2)
Subproject 78: MKULTRA: Biological Lab (3)
Subproject 78: MKULTRA: Biological Lab (4)
Subproject 78: MKULTRA: Biological Lab (5)
Subproject 78: MKULTRA: Biological Lab (6)

Box # 4

Document Indexes, Abstracts, and Documents
Subproject 79: MKULTRA: Cutout for Funding Research of a "sensible nature"
Subproject 80: MKULTRA
Subproject 81: MKULTRA: Cornell--Extension of Hinkle--Wolf
Subproject 82: MKULTRA: Hungarian Refugees
Subproject 83: MKULTRA: Graphology Journal and Cover
Subproject 84: MKULTRA: Hypnosis Work
Subproject 85: MKULTRA: Stanford Medical School
Subproject 86: MKULTRA: Stanford Medical School: Telecontrol
Subproject 87: MKULTRA: Hyper -Allergic Substances
Subproject 88: MKULTRA: Cultural Appraisal
Subproject 89: MKULTRA: Hungarian Repatriation
Subproject 90: MKULTRA: MIT--A. J. Wiener
Subproject 91: MKULTRA: Drug Testing and Screening of Animals
Subproject 92: MKULTRA: Teaching Machine for Foreign Languages
Subproject 93: MKULTRA: Toxin Study--Cuba Chapter
Subproject 94: MKULTRA
Subproject 95: MKULTRA: Osgood
Subproject 96: MKULTRA: George Kelly
Subproject 97: MKULTRA: Schizophrenics Psychotherapy
Subproject 98: MKULTRA: Mass Conversion Study: Queens College
Subproject 99: MKULTRA: Optics mixed with Biological Warfare--Cuba Chapter
Subproject 100: MKULTRA: CBW Penn State
Subproject 101: MKULTRA: Biophysics of Central Nervous System
Subproject 102: MKULTRA: Adolescent Gangs
Subproject 103: MKULTRA: Children's Summer Camps
Subproject 104: MKULTRA: Sabotage of Petroleum
Subproject 105: MKULTRA: CBW, Disease
Subproject 106: MKULTRA: Electrodes, Russian Study
Subproject 109: MKULTRA: Drugs-CBW Testing
Subproject 110: MKULTRA: CBW MKNAOMI
Subproject 112: MKULTRA: Vocational Studies in Children
Subproject 113: MKULTRA: Gas Sprays and Aerosols
Subproject 114: MKULTRA: Alcohol Study
Subproject 115: MKULTRA: Mentally Disturbed and Environment
Subproject 116: MKULTRA: Lab
Subproject 117: MKULTRA: Cultural Influences on Children
Subproject 118: MKULTRA: Microbiology--Penn State
Subproject 119: MKULTRA: Telecontrol--Texas Christian
Subproject 120: MKULTRA Drug Research
Subproject 121: MKULTRA: Witch Doctor study-Dr. Raymond Prince-- McGill University
Subproject 122: MKULTRA: Study of Neurokinin
Subproject 123: MKULTRA: African Attitude Study
Subproject 124: MKULTRA: African Attitude Study
Subproject 125: MKULTRA: CO2 and Acid Base Research
Subproject 126: MKULTRA: Work on Placebos and Drugs
Subproject 127: MKULTRA: Disaster/Stress Study
Subproject 128: MKULTRA: Rapid Hypnotic Induction
Subproject 130: MKULTRA: Personality Theory, David Saunders/William Thetford; Columbia Univ.

Box # 5

Subproject 131: MKULTRA
Subproject 132: MKULTRA: Safe House -- Not San Francisco
Subproject 133: MKULTRA: Safe House -- Not San Francisco
Subproject 134: MKULTRA: Correlation Of Physique and Personality done by Haronian in New Jersey -- Human Ecology
Subproject 135: MKULTRA: Testing on Volunteers
Subproject 136: MKULTRA: ESP Research
Subproject 137: MKULTRA: Handwriting Analysis, Dr. Klare G Toman-HEF
Subproject 139: MKULTRA: Bird Disease Studies at Penn State
Subproject 140: MKULTRA: human Voluntary Drug Testing
Subproject 141: MKULTRA: Unknown
Subproject 142: MKULTRA: Unknown
Subproject 143: MKULTRA CBW/Bacteria University of Houston
Subproject 144: MKULTRA
Subproject 145: MKULTRA
Subproject 146: MKULTRA
Subproject 147: MKULTRA: Psychometric Drugs THC
Subproject 148: MKULTRA: (1) Marijuana Research
Subproject 148: MKULTRA: (2) Marijuana Research
Subproject 149: MKULTRA: George White and Federal Bureau of Narcotics
MKULTRA APE A and B--Funding Mechanisms for MKULTRA
ARTICHOKE Docs 38-461 (2)
ARTICHOKE Docs 156-199
ARTICHOKE Docs 200-310 (1)
ARTICHOKE Docs 200-310 (2)
ARTICHOKE Docs 200-310 (1)
ARTICHOKE Docs 200-310 (2)
ARTICHOKE Docs 311-340
ARTICHOKE Docs 362-388
ARTICHOKE Docs 388-461
MKSEARCH 6 (continuation of MKULTRA 62)
MKSEARCH 2 (continues BW Lab, MKULTRA 78)
MKSEARCH Docs S-2 (BW Lab)
MKSEARCH Docs S-8 (Phase out of work done on schizophrenics probably by Pfeiffer)
MKSEARCH Basic Documents
Unlabeled Accordion File--primarily MKULTRA: Subproject 42
Unlabeled Accordion File--Financial records, checks

Box # 6

MKSEARCH 6 Discontinuation of Geschichter Fund for Medical Research
MKSEARCH 4 - Bureau of Narcotics Safehouse
MKSEARCH 3 - Testing at Vacaville, Hamilton
MKSEARCH S-3 Vacaville (1)
MKSEARCH S-3 Vacaville (2)
Lexington: Air Force: Alcohol: Amnesia: Animals: David Anthony:ARPA
Subproject 107: MKULTRA: American Psychological Association: Army Testing: Assassination: Raymond A. Bauer: Berlin Poison Case: Biometric Lab: Biophysical Measurements: Beecher (Henry K.): Brainwashing
ARTICHOKE Docs 59-155: Bordentown New Jersey Reformatory: Boston Psychopathic (Hyde-Massachusetts Mental Hospital): Brain Studies: Brainwashing (1): Brainwashing (2): Project Calling Card: John Marks Chapter 6 Conclusions: Chadwell, W.H.: CBW Work File: Dr. Wallace Chan: Cold War Late 1953-1955 (1): Cold War Late 1953-1955 (2): Communist Control Techniques VII: Cold War Docs (1) (Project Artichoke, Bluebird): Cold War Docs (2): Control of Behavior --General: Cybernetics: Defectors: University of Denver: Destruction of Files: Diseases: Drug Research and Operations Diseases: Drug Research and Operations: Drugs: Documents ARTICHOKE: Drugs: ARTICHOKE: Drugs: ARTICHOKE (2): Drugs: Subprojects

Box # 7

Ethics: Federal Penitentiary -- Atlanta: Fisher Scientific Company: Flickering Lights: FOIA Important Documents (FOIA correspondence and Court DocumeRnts for suit against the CIA):Freedom of Info Act requests (1): Freedom of Info Act requests (2): Foreign Countries: Heath: Foreign Liaison: Friends of McGill University, Inc.: Ft. Detrick: Joan Gavin: Genetics: George Washington University: Geschichter Fund: Unlabeled File --MKULTRA Subprojects: Government Agencies: Graduate students: Grifford: Handwriting Hardenberg: Hearings: Hinkle: History: Hospitals: Hungarian Projects: (Defectors, Refugees): Edward Hunter: Hypnosis 50-53: Hypnosis, Cold War period: Hypnosis - Literature: Hypnosis Hypnosis - C I:: Hypnosis Documents (1): Subproject ARTICHOKE: Hypnosis Documents (2): Subproject ARTICHOKE: Hypospray: Inspector General: University of Illinois: Internal Revenue Service: Iowa State Hospital, Ionia State Hospital, Michigan: Ittleson Foundation: IVY Research Lab: Johns Hopkins University: Juicy Quotes: Lyman Kirkpatrick: John Lilly: Lovell Chemical Company: Lovell: Lowinger: LSD - Counterculture: LSD - (Old Sandoz File): LSD (1): LSD (2)

Box # 8

Magic: Mulholland: George Merck: University of Minnesota: Miscellaneous: MKDELTA: ARTICHOKE Docs/Clips: MKDELTA Subprojects: James A. Moore: MKNOOM: Mulholland: Mushrooms -- Chapter 8: Naval Research, Military Side -- Chapter 14: Oatis Case: Often/Chickwit: Ohio State University: Operation Paperclip: Organizational Structure: ORD: World War II: Martin Orne: Parapsychology (Limited discussion on EMR research also): The Application of Tesla's Technology in Today's World

Box # 9

(Original Box 13-- not copied as of 7/2/93) Press Conferences (Excerpts from documents): Pfeiffer Subproject 47: Penn State (clippings): Placebos: Pfeiffer, Carl C.: Pharmaceutical Houses: Polygraph: POW: Prince-- Witch Doctor Study: Prisoners -- Documents Prisoners-Mental Patients (clippings): Private Company: Programming: Prouty: Psychological Assessment: Research and Development Study by Edgewood Arsenal: Personality Assessment -- OSS (Clippings, Book Chapters, Interview Notes): Psychical Research Foundation: Psycho-Pharmacology: Psychosurgery: Psychosurgery (2) (clippings): Max Rinkel: Public Health Service: Puerto Rican Study: Recent Agency Policy on Experimentation: Recent Events in Defense Department (Includes document from Siemmer): Project Revere: RHIC-Edom Files (Clippings): Chapter 7 -- Safehouse (draft manuscript?): Safehouse Working File (personal notes): Safehouses (Documents): Schein (clipping): Schultes (clippings, notes): Sensory Deprivation (primary clippings): Schultes (clippings, notes): Chapter 7 -- Safehouses-- clippings

Box # 10

CIA Behavior Modification Reports: Side Tone Delay Device II: Incapacitation -- Non-Lethal: 4 Assessment: Sleep Knockout Drug (clippings): Alexander H. Smith (clippings): Soil Microbiology: Sonics: Stanford: Team Exp. 1: Technical Assistance: ARTICHOKE: Technologies: Toxic Psychic States: Ultra Sonics/Sonics: Tradecraft: Universities (clippings): Wasson, Robert Gordon (notes, clippings): Wendt: White TD Docs: Harold Wolff (clippings): Documents to File (miscellaneous topics)

Box # 11

Sleep Learning: Interrogation: Electric Fish and Animal Radar 1/3: Electric Fish and Animal Radar 2/3: Electric Fish and Animal Radar 3/3: Plants, Sleep Machine, ESB and Sleep, Biocommunications and Bioelectronics: History of Program: Animal ESB: Toxicity in mice 1/4: Toxicity in mice 2/4: Toxicity in mice 3/4: Toxicity in mice 4/4

Box # 12

Index Cards

To make a comment or suggestion, write rahome@ra-info.org.

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