Great Reset | CBDC | "Internet of Bodies Will Mean That Software Will Start Causing Physical HARM to Human Bodies with Some Regularity." - Dr. Andrea Matwyshyn + "COVID Legitimizes Deployment of Surveillance Under Your SKIN." - Harari
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Change Twitter to Become the X Corporation? What Is Elon Musk's "X" App? Why Did Elon Musk Actually Buy Twitter? "Buying Twitter Is an Accelerant to Creating X, the Everything App?" - Elon Musk
Elon Musk | "Buying Twitter Is an Accelerant to Creating X, the Everything App." Musk + "We Are Aligned Very Much with China And Agenda 2030." - Bourla (CEO of Pfizer) | Any Positive Effects of COVID-19? "Advancements In Synetheti
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter? | "What Inhibits Human Machine Symbiosis? It's the Data Rate." + "We Could Effectively Merge with Artificial Intelligence." + "Buying Twitter Is An Accelerant to Creating X."
moderna ceo: 'we took just 2 days to make the vaccine on the computer' - Because it is a software program not a 'vaccine' and the Proteins are the CPU's