2 years agoMusk Triggers Liberals With Picture of (Replica) Guns and Diet Coke on His Bedside TableRestored RepublicVerified
9 years agoGuy Made Replica Rick And Morty Portal Gun That Actually Projects PortalsHammerspaceworkshop
2 years agoCanadian Doctors 4 Protection From Guns want gun-less society, replica regulation, more taxpayer $$$Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights
7 months agoMedina police fatally shots woman by County Sheriff's deputies while carrying a replica gun, knifeThisIsButter
10 months agoLASD deputies shoot, kill man with replica gun harassing customers at East LA marketThisIsButter
2 years agoBodycam video shows man armed with a knife and a replica gun is shot twice Battle Creek policeThisIsButter