3 years agoWhat is magnesium citrate and how to use it for gut health | Dr. Patricia Mills, MDDr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD
3 years agoThe effect of stress hormone cortisol on our fertility hormone progesterone | Dr. Patricia Mills, MDDr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD
3 years agoMaca for Menopause - which kind to use for effective results! | Dr. Patricia Mills, MDDr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD
3 years agoInspirational reading for those suffering from menstrual mayhem | Dr. Patricia Mills, MDDr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD
3 years agoHow to manage food cravings with Nourishing Wisdom | Dr. Patricia Mills, MDDr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD
3 years agoPatreon Page: Wild Wisdom for Women's Health with Dr. Patricia Mills, MDDr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD
3 years agoThe top mineral you NEED to support natural detoxification | Dr. Patricia Mills, MDDr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD