1. My Very Personal 'Rejection Letters' Story | Serving the Roots of Rejection

    My Very Personal 'Rejection Letters' Story | Serving the Roots of Rejection

  2. The Spirit of Rejection's Sneaky Way Into Your Soul | Severing the Roots of Rejection

    The Spirit of Rejection's Sneaky Way Into Your Soul | Severing the Roots of Rejection

  3. A Sure Sign You're Operating Out of a Rejection Spirit | Severing the Roots of Rejection

    A Sure Sign You're Operating Out of a Rejection Spirit | Severing the Roots of Rejection

  4. Rejection and "The Middle Child Syndrome" | Severing the Roots of Rejection

    Rejection and "The Middle Child Syndrome" | Severing the Roots of Rejection

  5. When Hurts and Wounds Come Back to Haunt You | Severing the Roots of Rejection

    When Hurts and Wounds Come Back to Haunt You | Severing the Roots of Rejection

  6. The Spirit of Rejection Affects How You See Everything in Your Life

    The Spirit of Rejection Affects How You See Everything in Your Life

  7. The Real Reason Why Some People Reject You | Severing the Roots of Rejection

    The Real Reason Why Some People Reject You | Severing the Roots of Rejection

  8. Is This Why You're a People Pleaser? Just Sayin' | Severing the Roots of Rejection

    Is This Why You're a People Pleaser? Just Sayin' | Severing the Roots of Rejection

  9. Margarita Robles is being called out for her LACK OF RESPECT towards Princess Leonor

    Margarita Robles is being called out for her LACK OF RESPECT towards Princess Leonor

  10. Untangling knots in our Past: Navigating Unresolved Memories through Biblical Wisdom

    Untangling knots in our Past: Navigating Unresolved Memories through Biblical Wisdom

  11. God is Releasing New Revelation

    God is Releasing New Revelation
