1 year agoPsalm 72 v1-7 of 19 "Endow the king with justice, LORD" To the tune Duke St. Sing PsalmsTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 68 v1-4 &18-20 of 35 "May God arise and may his foes be scattered" To: Solid Rock. Sing PsalmsTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 92a v1-3 & 10-15 of 15 "How good it is to praise the LORD, to sing a joyful song" Tune: EvanTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 80 v1-7 of 19 "Hear, O Israel’s Shepherd, hear us; Joseph like a flock you lead" To: StuttgartTrystWithChrist
3 months agoLast Mimzy: Behind The Belt, Victoria’s Secret, Milk And Honey, Love Bunny@Kershaw Garden.ChadClawitter
1 year agoPsalm 92a v1-7 of 15 "How good it is to praise the LORD, to sing a joyful song" To the tune GlasgowTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 80 v1-7 of 19 "Hear, O Israel’s Shepherd, hear us; Joseph like a flock you lead" To: StuttgartTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 80 v1-3 & 14-19 of 19 "Hear, O Israel’s Shepherd, hear us; Joseph like a flock you lead."TrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 21 v1-5 of 13 "The king in thy great strength, O LORD, shall very joyful be" Tune: AyrshireTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 107 v1-8 of 43 "Praise God for he is good: for still his mercies lasting be." Tune: OrlingtonTrystWithChrist
2 months agoWheels on the Bus | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | Best Cars & Truck Videos for KidsSaifAhmed007