Psalm 72 v1-7 of 19 "Endow the king with justice, LORD" To the tune Duke St. Sing Psalms

1 year ago

Psalm 72 v1-7 of 19 "Endow the king with justice, LORD" To the tune Duke St. Sing Psalms
Falkirk Free Church
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondences. They are more like visual cross-references.
image: Joseph's dream (Genesis 37)


1 Endow the king with justice, LORD,
The royal son with righteousness.
2 Your people, your afflicted ones,
He’ll judge with truth and uprightness.

3 The mountains will bring peace to them,
The hills the fruit of righteousness.
4 He will defend and save the poor,
And crush all those who them oppress.

5 As long as sun and moon endure,
So will he live time without end.
6 He’ll be like showers on the earth,
Like rains that on mown fields descend.

7 The righteous then will blossom forth
Throughout his everlasting reign;
Until the moon no longer shines,
Peace in abundance will remain.

8 From sea to sea he will hold sway
And from the River to earth’s end.
9 His enemies will lick the dust,
And desert tribes the knee will bend.

10 Then Tarshish and the distant shores
Will send the tribute of their kings;
Sheba’s and Seba’s kings will come
And bring to him their offerings.

11 All kings will humbly bow to him;
And nations worship him with fear.
12 He’ll save the needy when they call,
The poor for whom no help is near.

13 He will take pity on the weak
And save them from oppressive might.
14 He’ll rescue them from violence;
Their blood is precious in his sight.

15 Long may he live! May Sheba’s gold
Be giv’n to him abundantly!
May people ever pray for him
And bless his name continually.

16 Let grain abound throughout the land,
The tops of hills their harvest yield;
May they bear fruit like Lebanon
And thrive as grass grows in the field.

17 For ever may his name endure;
May it continue as the sun.
All nations will be blessed in him,
Whom they will call the Blessèd One.

18 Praise to the LORD—to Israel’s God;
His awesome deeds proclaim to men.
19 His name be praised eternally;
His glory fill the earth. Amen!

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