#106 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: The LegislaTURDS Are The PROBLEM Because They Are IGNORING The Corruption & Election Fraud - WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE SOLUTION & THE WHITE HATS - But YOU Must Do Your Part!
#121 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Jeff Daniels 2014 The Newsroom TV Show Scene - America Used To Be Great & WE Destroyed It By Doing NOTHING To STAND UP To The Corruption & Election Fraud
#104 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections Are The Thread That Fuels Child Sex Slave Trafficking - BAN THE VOTING MACHINES & LET'S SAVE GOD'S CHILDREN!
#95 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Cindy McCain Regarding Jeffrey Epstein, "We All Knew What He Was Doing" | Child Sex Slave Trafficking, Adrenochrome & More!
#127 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: HSS Whistleblower Tara Rodas EXPOSES The Child Sex Slave Trafficking Operation In The U.S. Is Run By OUR Government With OUR Tax Dollars! Are You Going To Allow This To Continue?