General Secretary of Free Speech Union Toby Young: “Trans rights activists has lost the public debate … because shaming people calling them names … does not persuade the public to sympathize with their point of view.”
"Trump Was Right." - Jake Tapper (CNN) | "Hunter Biden Admitted In Court In July That He Was In Fact Paid Substantial Sums from Chinese Companies. This Directly Goes Against What Joe Biden Said In the Debates In 2020 With Donald Trump."
CBDC | "What Rights Does a Homoborgenesis Have?" - Todd Callendar + "We're Taking Things That Are Genetically Modified Organism And We Are Injecting Them Into Little Kids' Arms." - Bill Gates
A Veteran has an Urgent Message for all Canadians that took the Oath to protect and serve The People: "Rights can't be given or taken, they can only be suppressed... Humans are inherited Free"