Niagara Falls recently declared a state of emergency for mental health, opioid addiction and homelessness. The Federal Government continues to send illegal immigrants to Niagara, costing the city $5M in social services and has rented out 2000 hotels
The vent protocols they used to murder your grandparents and relatives freed up tons of time for them to make TikTok dance videos. These are your "Front Line Heroes."
The Western media's coverage overlooks the US's role in the 2014 coup, Eastern Ukraine's referendums, and the War in Donbas, which culminated in Russia's 2022 invasion.
CIA Director John Brennan visited Kyiv, and Ukraine's new government launched an "anti-terrorist operation" to suppress the protests in Eastern Ukraine. Millions of innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire of a geopolitical chess mat
The violent overthrow of Ukraine's elected government caused the Russian-speaking populations of Eastern Ukraine to vote to break apart from the newly formed western-backed government in Ukraine.
Tedros: "I have written to and spoken with high level Chinese leaders on multiple occasions... The continued politicization of the [Covid] origins research has turned what should be a purely scientific process into a geopolitical football."
'Worse Than a War': An Estimated 500,000 Americans Have Lost Their Lives to the C19 Injections "If we use standard under-reporting factors from our vaccine event reporting system.
#104 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections Are The Thread That Fuels Child Sex Slave Trafficking - BAN THE VOTING MACHINES & LET'S SAVE GOD'S CHILDREN!