Biden snaps at reporters while complaining about “disinformation” on his response to Hurricane and blaming Trump: "Are you kidding me?! Mister President Trump, get life, man, help this people."
A shell of a man: Biden says "He ought to get a job," responding to Trump's Make America Affordable Again, tells reporters he doesn't know the answers to their questions, yells at them, salutes Martin Sheen, shuffles away.
BREAKING Biden's new voting policy FOR DEMOCRATS ONLY! Biden promotes slavery for the democrat vote. Absolutely shocking. You wont believe what this crazy man just said.
Biden's Assistant Sec for Health, a man dressed as a woman, celebrates Trans Day of Visibility: "We honor the many contributions transgender Americans make in health, medicine, public service, and across our nation."
Biden has "black friends," but can't name one, brags about his Sec Of Defense but can't recall his name - "a black man," makes a Freudian slip on his mom story telling him not to go to the black community or get in trouble..
President Trump | "I'm Stuck Here Because I Have a Corrupt Attorney General That Communicates With the DOJ In Washington to Keep Me Nice & Busy Because I'm Leading Biden In the Polls By Alot." - Trump (October 4th 2023) + Letitia J