Levin: What The Hell is Biden’s Problem?

11 months ago

“Many years ago, I was on an Acela train and guess who I bumped into? Joe Biden. He must have lived on that thing, like a homeless guy. And I'm walking back, I have to pass him and he looks at me. And he says, you're a smart ass. Well, at least he called me smart. So this smart ass has a question for you, Joe Biden. Why are you giving aid and comfort to Hamas? Why are you sending billions directly and indirectly to Iran? Why have you become the biggest slaver in American history because you won't secure the border? Why are you choking off economic prosperity for average Americans and trying to destroy our energy independence? What is with you? What the hell is your problem? What kind of wrecking ball are you? What exactly is your doctrine when it comes to foreign policy? What exactly are you trying to achieve on the southern border? What exactly are you trying to do to the middle class in this country? Man up and explain yourself in plain English without garbling your words.”

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