Dutch MEP Marcel de Graaff calls the EU out to their faces: "The European Commission and European Parliament cover up their lies, electoral fraud, bribery and corruption and are committed to censorship on social media, all these people must be arrest
Pfizer Caught Lying Again: Senator Gerard Rennick forced Pfizer to admit that they didn’t understand the mechanism by which the vaccine causes myocarditis & pericarditis. - Trust the $cience.
Powerful speech from Ottawa today by Tamara Lich (I believe) that brought me to tears. You are not alone. End the mandates. End The Lies. End The Fear. #freedomconvoy2022 #ottawa #freedom #canada
WE TOLD YOU MELONI WAS A W.E.F. PUPPET! BUT YOU ALL LOVED HER BECAUSE SHE TO TOLD YOU WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR! #LIES - Italy’s Meloni is now pushing for more immigration after running her election campaign on stopping immigration.