2 years agoModerna CEO releasing mRNA Booster that 'might' Repair Hearts their COVID Vaccine Damaged! 💉=💔MAGA Lion HAT
2 years ago“非常重要的訊息”_“實驗針劑接種者不再符合人類合法身份”!與“美國最高法院公告、獸印(微芯片)有關!Dr.Carrie Madej早期示警關於“超人類Transhumans”_定義、法律條文、技術、人權 ~mcy1227
2 months agoEx Pfizer Vice President, Michael Yeadon: "There was NO Pandemic, it was a BIG LIE!" 🤥🦠💉MAGA Lion HAT
2 years agoStanMeyers alternator makes beat,gate rectification to dc volts latter version has tri filar chokessecuresupply