Why Crypto wallets, will be obsolete through mind reading Smart dust technology

2 years ago

This smart dust technology
can be deployed by air,
through the food we eat,
or through medical and dental procedures.

Its almost invisible to the human eye
and small enough to get absorbed into your poures

Once it gets into your body
it tracks your vitals,
monitor your thoughts,
and send signals to and from your brain,
directly to an AI super computer
that controlls your thoughts

It saves your thoughts in a database
and looks for keywords that can be beneficial
for Governments, Corporations, and the Elites

This information can will be used against you
The corporations will market and profit from you
The Govt's will track and control you
And the Elites will use it for hunger games style entertainment
Sexual exploitation, and ultimately to destroy you.

It would also save and record any,
and all of your secret passwords.
Your crypto wallets will be emptied and rendered obsolete

Imaging living in a world
where you cant even have your own thoughts
because your brain is always under attack
and being invaded with subliminal messages.

Some Include
Death Threats to you and your family,
Unwanted Sexual Dreams and Harassment
Nightly Nightmare Simulations
Constant AI Interrogation
and Electromagnetic frequency weapons
That sleep deprive victims
With painful microwave frequencies

This reality is true for a group
of targeted individual's

One of the leading companies
doing this torture and 24/7 harassment
to millions of innocent people
is LockGreed Martian
figure it out

Many whistleblowers have already come forward
from some of the top 3 digit agencies
and spoke out these crimes against humanity

Be Warned, Diversify your assets
because your passwords in your head
are not yours.
Google mind reading patents
and go to targeted justice
to learn more if you think your being targeted

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