10 months agoAndrew Bridgen: Between 10 & 20 Million People Have Been Killed By mRNA Vaccines Worldwide!MyCatholicRedPill
10 months agoRemember During the “Deadly” Plandemic they did these Ridiculous Dance Routines? (satanic ritual?)MyCatholicRedPill
3 years agoHe Warned Us 12 Years Ago... Forced JABS 4 Total Control!"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable." ~ James A. Garfield
4 years agoDoctor warns U.S. needs to administer 3-5 million vaccine doses a day, for herd immunity in 2021WFTSVerified
2 years agoFederal COVID narratives in retreat with boosted Biden's infection, Birx admission, Djokovic ba...Just the News Articles
3 years agoAnthony Fauci warns of possible antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) with vaccinationfrankploegman
2 years agoUrgent: Demand FDA & CDC Reject Covid-19 Vaccines For Babies & ChildrenUSAFrontlineDoctors
2 years agoEstablishment Loyalists Manipulated Into 'SACRIFICING THEIR OWN CHILDREN'USAFrontlineDoctors
2 years agoMcCullough, Kory, and Malone All Agree: "The Emergency Phase Is Over... It's Low-Level Endemic"USAFrontlineDoctors
3 years agoGeert Vanden Bossche: Verwenden Sie niemals Impfstoffe, die keine sterile Immunität hervorrufen!PruefeAllesGlaubeWenigDenkeSelbst
2 years agoMattias Desmet: ‘Mass Formation’ Hypnosis and the Rise of Technocratic TotalitarianismUSAFrontlineDoctors
1 year agoFilm Trailer: "Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda" by Dr. Andy Wakefield - 6/7/22Prevent Global Genocide