1879 Prominent Doctor Warns Folks About Toxic and Deadly Vaccines!

3 months ago

Roman Bystrianyk from Substack.com
Sep 30

In 1879, a prominent doctor warned of the dangerous and deadly risks associated with the smallpox vaccine. Sadly, his concerns, along with those of hundreds of other physicians who spoke out about the failures of smallpox vaccination, were largely ignored. Instead, the medical establishment promoted the belief that vaccination was "safe and effective," perpetuating a narrative that stood in stark contrast to the troubling realities many in the field observed. This created a mythology around vaccination that masked the potential risks and silenced dissenting voices.

“…since blood-poisoning of our children was enforced by Act of Parliament, small-pox has increased both in extent and frequency. Now vaccination by calf-pox, cow-pox, or humanised pox, whatever may be the multiplicity of lymphs, (and “pure vaccine” is only a rhetorical euphemism for horse-grease) is an eruptive disease, setting in with febrile symptoms, followed by papule, vesicle, and pustule, in about eight days. And what else is small-pox?

I have recently dissected more than a dozen children whose deaths were caused by vaccination, and no small-pox, however black, could have left more hideous traces of its malignant sores, foul sloughing, hearts empty or congested with clots, than did some of these little victims. Shame! Indeed, scarcely a day elapses but I am called upon to witness the sufferings of vaccinated children in the form of cerebral and gastric complications, persistent vomiting, bronchitis, diarrhoea, with pustules in the mouth or throat (pharynx), on the eyelids, and ulceration of the cornea, which remains opaque and may lead to blindness.”

― William Hycheman, MD, forty years’ experience as a Doctor of Medicine, 1879

[William Hycheman, MD, “Small-pox and Vaccination,” The Medical Tribune, February 15, 1879, vol. I, no. 4, pp. 172-175.]

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