1 year agoLight river fishing #shortvideo #shorts #shortsfishing #shimanoMarina Kropec (multi species fishing)
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2 years agoPacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus, 太平洋鳕鱼, マダラ, Треска ПБГ, Russian FishRussian Fish and Seafood
1 year agoThe Lofoten Islands are an archipelago located north of the coast of Norway... part 2NewsTodayOne
2 years agoPacific cod fillet, Gadus macrocephalus, Филе Трески интерливд, Russian FishRussian Fish and Seafood
2 years ago太平洋鳕鱼, Pacific cod milt, Gadus macrocephalus, Pazifischer Kabeljau, Bacalao del Pacifico, Russian FishRussian Fish and Seafood