4 years agoYou're Lovelorn, Wondering If He Will Ever Love You Back? Your Lovely Days Lie Ahead!KenCreation
3 years agoJames Lovelock en BBC hablando de reduccion de la poblacion a mil millones o menos en este siglo XXIFalsa Pandemia Covid
1 year agolovevol - digital binder - keep it simple & stupid (kiss). see description. lov111vol not only namelovevol
8 years agoSurveillance video shows arrest of Chesterfield Township Supervisor Michael LovelockWXYZVerified
1 year agoNarcissistic Love and Transitional Supply: the High and Disappearing Act #discard #lovebomb #narcRaw Motivations
1 month agoGodiva Partnered With Harry Potter! Luna Lovegood X Quibbler Chocolates Unveiled! #harrypotterBlabberingCollector