MrsHempstress Intro Recommendations & If, by Rudyard Kipling:

4 years ago

An intro to me and my Purpose. Recommendations for your own discernment and research. Ending with If, by Rudyard Kipling.
More about Mrs. Hempstress:
20 years in customer service. A real people person. I enjoy uplifting & supporting the goodwill of all others. At each position attained, I work to be the best employee there and am always ready for new opportunities. A true people pleaser. I graduated high honors in medical assisting which afforded me jobs in healthcare support roles such as health information management or medical secretary positions. 

I owned my own housekeeping business called: Domestic Divas. I'm often put into positions which place me as the face or the voice of any given company. I am best at dealing with the general public and shine in these roles. I have for several years now, assisted my partner in running his hemp businesse[s]. I thoroughly enjoy hempducating people and marketing for the cannabiz space. I've created my own personal brand, Mrs. Hempstress. I've started many hashtags revolving around that: #mrshempstress #hempstressoftheroc #hempersoftheroc #howmaywehempyou #hempster #hempducate #hempducated #hempducating #haveyoubeenhemped #gethemped #hemploy #hemployed #hemployment #hemploying #cannabiz etc etc and enjoy spreading the #lovebomb to #tipthescale for all of us to ascend together into a higher vibrational state.

Happy to Schedule an interview on my "potcast" found at 

Be sure to interact with one of the "cool kids" suspended from Twitter January 8th as part of "the purge" of truth tellers and God loving patriots. Join the #SquirrelArmy as #smallaccountsmatter and screw those algortims with me. Everlasting peace, love, and prosperity fellow immortal divine souls having a physical earth experience for the development and advancement of the collective consciousness of supreme creator (insert your term here, as for me, it's God).✌❤🖖


Mrs. Hempstress 

Here are all of my:

Social Media/Email Platforms: Username (website still being developed)

Anchor: Mrs.Hempstress

Clouthub: @Mrs.Hempstress

Discord: Mrs.Hempstress#6512 

Discord Server:

Email addresses:

Facebook: Deleted

Gab Social: @MrsHempstress

Instagram: @mhempstress (2nd account)

LinkedIn: Mrs Hempstress (2nd account: no period, one space for the user name for this one and following..)

MeWe: Mrs Hempstress

Pinterest: @mhempstress

Rumble: MrsHempstress

SafeChat: @mrshempstress

Twitter: @MHempstress **Suspended 1.8.21**


Zoom: Mrs.Hempstress 

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