6 months agoFINANCE TEACHER ASKS: How Does INSURANCE Fit Into Someone’s FINANCIAL PLAN? Mike Krupin ExplainsDr. Anthony M. Criniti IV (aka “Dr. Finance®”)Verified
2 years agoAustralian Government unlikely to approve 4th booster jab in those under 30The Canadian Independent
2 years ago'Independent' 'experts' recommend everyone aged 12+ get untested novel jab 2 months after last shotfrankploegman
1 year agoPolitics - 2023 Music Humor Liberal Globalist Schwab Covid Booster Number 5US Independent Politics
2 years agoWatch: FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee Member Dr. Paul Offit throws CDC under the bus on boostersThe Canadian Independent
2 years agoDr. Paul Offit wanted to vote Hell No on the novel boosters tested only on mice & without benefitsfrankploegman
1 year agoWHO Chief saying there is no evidence children and teenagers need COVID-19 boostersBiological Medicine
21 days agoDr. Chris Shoemaker "20% of those who took the COVID Jab Proven to now have Myocarditis. 50% of those will die in 5 years. Fact!"Libertarian99
3 years agoYoram Hazony: How Hitler and Marxists Defiled the Idea of Nationalism | TEASERAmerican Thought LeadersVerified
2 years ago“Our Vaccine Program Had No Independent Evaluation of Safety Events" - Dr. Peter McCulloughAsher Press
9 months agoVideo: Make plantain crispies with your kids for a tasty, nutritious, natural treatleonsurvival
1 year agoBooster shots. Translation. We are going inject you with poison until we kill you off completely.Biological Medicine
2 years agoIs the FDA Following the Science? Paul Offit Criticizes 4th Booster AuthorizationchildrenshealthdefenseVerified