Dr. Paul Offit wanted to vote Hell No on the novel boosters tested only on mice & without benefits

2 years ago

"Do the benefits outweigh the risks? I didn't see the benefits."

Dr. Paul Offit, one of the True Believers in vaccines, only voted No on the new bivalent boosters, because he couldn't vote Hell No.

"I don't ever think you should ever ask tens of millions of people to get a vaccine based on mouse data."

The video also mentions that the FDA did not consult with the vaccine advisory committee for the fall boosters. This may have been strategic, because consultation means the companies are required provide evidence to inform the consultation, which will also become available to the public.

If the companies and the captured government institutions don't want to public to know they have no evidence or that the evidence they do have is inconvenient to them, they may forgo consultation. Said differently, if the government wants political and business interests to prevail over informed consent and public health, they will not consult the vaccine advisory committee.

That this strategic reason is the motive, is further strengthened by the certainty that the advisory committee would authorize anything it is presented with, since all its members are hand-picked yes men and women (with the recent exception of dr. Offit). Also, by forgoing consultation, there is no blemish of even one member voting No.

When Offit talks about voting No, that was regarding the bivalent boosters for adults. When he talks about not being consulted, that was regarding the same boosters, but for children.

FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the bivalent boosters for 6-17 year olds yesterday, see:

Dr. Marty Makary writes:

"It appears the FDA no longer requires clinical trial data. Pfizer&Moderna's new Omicron vax(tested in 8 mice) was authorized today for children, who are at the highest risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis. FDA bypassed their expert advisers. The most political FDA&CDC in U.S. history"


'Independent' 'experts' recommend everyone aged 12+ get untested novel jab 2 months after last shot

WHO Chief Scientist admits: UNKNOWN whether new bivalent COVID jabs provide ANY clinical benefit

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v1mw3z3

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