1 year agoRevelation 17 The False Church of the Book of RevelationPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
2 years agoWomen in the Church: Is God Sovereign?Pastor Scott's Nuggets by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
1 year agoJesus Didn’t Come to AccommodatePastor Scott's Nuggets by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
2 months agoThe benefits, both spiritual and physical, of praying the Holy RosaryChannelConhecimentoAndSabedoria
6 months agoA flavor of a ROEA’s 2007 Episcopate Congress, w/ Fr Constantin Alecse [05]Mitropolia ROMA - Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles [www.biserica.org]
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3 years agoBuilding the Church Is a Lifelong Journey by Pastor Melissa ScottPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
8 months agoThe King James Study Bible, Full-Color Edition, Cloth-bound Hardcover - CHECK DESCRIPTIONWritten in the Book