The benefits, both spiritual and physical, of praying the Holy Rosary

2 months ago

Science proves the benefits of praying the Holy Rosary for the body!!

More balanced breathing, lower blood pressure, fewer free radicals in the blood, healthier heart muscle... Is there a medicine that can do all of this? Yes: prayer.
Praying the rosary, in particular, brings benefits not only to the soul of the person who recites it (as if that were not enough!), but also to the general balance of the body.
And the person who confirms this fact is not Father José from the little church in the village nor the Ursulina lady from the six o'clock mass, but Dr. Luciano Bernardi, from the University of Helsinki, in Finland – one of the most developed countries in the world and always known for the quality of its educational institutions.
He especially emphasizes that the holy rosary, especially when recited in Latin (!), provides special benefits to the heart muscle. He also says that, to calm breathing and anxiety, the effects of the rosary are better than those of Buddhist mantras, which tend to become “fashionable” with relative frequency.

Prayer has the power to cure diseases

Dr. Andrew Newberg, from Thomas Jefferson University in the United States, is one of many researchers who reaffirm the powerful effect of prayer and meditation in curing diseases. He conducted studies with 40,000 patients, based on magnetic resonance imaging, and presented his findings in the book “How God changes the brain”, released in 2009. Since then, several other studies have reinforced this conclusion.

In his experiments, Dr. Andrew selected elderly people with memory problems to observe them before, during and after meditating and praying. The studies were carried out for 12 minutes a day over 8 weeks and showed that prayer and meditation can offer very positive results for our health.

When done regularly, prayer and meditation increase brain activity in a similar way to what happens with communication, functioning as a “physical workout” for the mind and resulting in brain development and even the cure of several diseases.

Other studies, both before and after Dr. Andrew Newberg’s, have shown the same phenomenon. An experiment published in the American Cancer Society’s journal Cancer, for example, shows that patients with strong spiritual beliefs respond better to treatment. Researchers at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Florida observed that people who believe in a “higher power” have better social relationships and better physical and mental health than those who claim not to believe in it.

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