3 years agoTesla Charging With Solar. Powering your house and car off the grid....Professional Dog Training Service and Education
1 year agoGiant Great Dane Dog - Tiny trainer... #dogtrainerslife #dogtraining #dogtrainerProfessional Dog Training Service and Education
4 years agoPlace Work With Distraction With a Young Dutch ShepherdProfessional Dog Training Service and Education
2 years agoProfessional Dog Training Service. No Magic! Time, Reps, Patience, Rewards, Corrections, and Clarity.Professional Dog Training Service and Education
1 year agoImlee Graduate of Generalization Class.....Still working on it.Proofing Behaviors Canine Obedience
5 years agoFearful Dog Training - Slow it Down. Take Your Time.Professional Dog Training Service and Education
4 years agoMorning Kennel Routine with a Husky and Trainer TommyProfessional Dog Training Service and Education
1 year agoEngagement and Interaction to continue to teach and Reinforce BehaviorsProofing Behaviors Canine Obedience
1 year agoClass One for Mel today. Introduction of the verbal cues.Proofing Behaviors Canine Obedience