Beware of the ILLUSION in majority of the Christian community. Anointed Minister Warns World to have a "one of one relationship with YAHUSHUA" "Break yourself free"
Excerpts from Anointed Minister Warning World to flee NWO dark jesus superchurch an awesome Deception resembling the genuine/army of copy & paste prophets & teachers (full warning in Description too)
YAH'S Sheep fleeced. Amightywind Anointed Minister exposes liars/wolves "these people are not worth it" "break yourself free in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH" have a "one on one relationship with HIM" (mirrored)
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Israelite” - mid-14c., "a Jew; one of the people of ancient Israel, a descendant of Israel or Jacob," Jacob and extended to his descendants, from sara "he fought, contended"