1. Nicolás Maduro auf Deutsch | Über das System, das John F. Kennedy und viele andere ermordet hat

    Nicolás Maduro auf Deutsch | Über das System, das John F. Kennedy und viele andere ermordet hat

  2. President Trump "Your audience will be very excited about my announcement on Monday"!

    President Trump "Your audience will be very excited about my announcement on Monday"!

  3. GESARA incoming in the future ? No tax on anything ? Exciting times

    GESARA incoming in the future ? No tax on anything ? Exciting times

  4. President Trump "We will not comply" !

    President Trump "We will not comply" !

  5. Klaus Schwab WEF believes, that we will all have to comply

    Klaus Schwab WEF believes, that we will all have to comply

  6. Fluoride is the number one calcifier of the pineal gland

    Fluoride is the number one calcifier of the pineal gland

  7. Tulsi Gabbard - Every American deserves to know how involved our government is in Al-Qaida ect

    Tulsi Gabbard - Every American deserves to know how involved our government is in Al-Qaida ect

  8. Vor Berliner Gericht: Proteste bei Prozess gegen propalästinensische Aktivistin

    Vor Berliner Gericht: Proteste bei Prozess gegen propalästinensische Aktivistin

  9. The CIA has been accused of importing fentanyl into the USA?

    The CIA has been accused of importing fentanyl into the USA?

  10. They’ve been actively seeking to control the Weather for over a Century

    They’ve been actively seeking to control the Weather for over a Century

  11. They want to vaccinate Americans before Trump takes office

    They want to vaccinate Americans before Trump takes office

  12. President Trump - Anything you want !

    President Trump - Anything you want !

  13. President Trump " Alot of people lost her son or daughter because of drugs"!

    President Trump " Alot of people lost her son or daughter because of drugs"!

  14. They are secretly vaccinating peope while under sedation

    They are secretly vaccinating peope while under sedation

  15. 3d printing get´s better and that´s just the beginning

    3d printing get´s better and that´s just the beginning
