1. My Mom's in ICU with Multi-Organ Failure,The ICU Team Wants to Make Her "Comfortable" To Let Her Die

    My Mom's in ICU with Multi-Organ Failure,The ICU Team Wants to Make Her "Comfortable" To Let Her Die

  2. Quick tip for families in ICU: What are treatment options for COVID-19 and ARDS/Pneumonia?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: What are treatment options for COVID-19 and ARDS/Pneumonia?

  3. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Is my wife a coroner's case after passing away in ICU?

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Is my wife a coroner's case after passing away in ICU?

  4. Why a tracheostomy and ventilation improves the quality of life for MND(motor neuron disease)!

    Why a tracheostomy and ventilation improves the quality of life for MND(motor neuron disease)!

  5. Why a tracheostomy and ventilation improves the quality of life for MND(motor neuron disease)!

    Why a tracheostomy and ventilation improves the quality of life for MND(motor neuron disease)!

  6. Quick tip for families in ICU: Is ICP& tracheostomy needed after subarrhachnoid haemorrhage in ICU?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Is ICP& tracheostomy needed after subarrhachnoid haemorrhage in ICU?

  7. Quick tip for families in ICU: Should you give OxyContin/oxycodone when weaning off the ventilator?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Should you give OxyContin/oxycodone when weaning off the ventilator?

  8. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Should You Give OxyContin/Oxycodone When Weaning Off the Ventilator?

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Should You Give OxyContin/Oxycodone When Weaning Off the Ventilator?

  9. Why is My Sister Not Waking Up After Induced Coma in ICU and Can They Pressure Me for a DNR/NFR?

    Why is My Sister Not Waking Up After Induced Coma in ICU and Can They Pressure Me for a DNR/NFR?

  10. Can My Husband in ICU have a Tracheostomy Whilst Having a GI-Bleed? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    Can My Husband in ICU have a Tracheostomy Whilst Having a GI-Bleed? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  11. My Mom's in ICU Ventilated and May Need a Tracheostomy. Am I Asking the Right Questions?

    My Mom's in ICU Ventilated and May Need a Tracheostomy. Am I Asking the Right Questions?

  12. Mom left ICU after being extubated&now she's in Palliative care without nutrition&hydration, help!

    Mom left ICU after being extubated&now she's in Palliative care without nutrition&hydration, help!

  13. Quick tip for families in ICU: What’s the difference between palliative care and hospice?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: What’s the difference between palliative care and hospice?

  14. Quick tip for families in Intensive Care: What are the alternatives to opiates in ICU?

    Quick tip for families in Intensive Care: What are the alternatives to opiates in ICU?

  15. Quick tip for families in ICU: Prone positioning or ECMO with ARDS/lung failure

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Prone positioning or ECMO with ARDS/lung failure

  16. What is Considered Life Support in Intensive Care? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

    What is Considered Life Support in Intensive Care? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

  17. My Brother’s been in ICU for 4Weeks with Hypoxic Brain Injury,He's Not Waking Up,Should We Continue?

    My Brother’s been in ICU for 4Weeks with Hypoxic Brain Injury,He's Not Waking Up,Should We Continue?

  18. Quick tip for families in ICU: What questions to ask when your loved one is in heart failure in ICU!

    Quick tip for families in ICU: What questions to ask when your loved one is in heart failure in ICU!

  19. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: What Questions to Ask When Your Loved One is in Heart Failure in ICU!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: What Questions to Ask When Your Loved One is in Heart Failure in ICU!

  20. When Can My Husband in ICU Have the Trache Removed? He's on Room Air 21% But No Swallow Assessment

    When Can My Husband in ICU Have the Trache Removed? He's on Room Air 21% But No Swallow Assessment

  21. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Never Agree to DNR(Do Not Resuscitate) or NFR(Not For Resuscitation)!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Never Agree to DNR(Do Not Resuscitate) or NFR(Not For Resuscitation)!

  22. How Can I Decide if the ICU Team has Done Everything They Can for My Critically Ill Mother in ICU?

    How Can I Decide if the ICU Team has Done Everything They Can for My Critically Ill Mother in ICU?
