After Destroying countless lives. Street Preachers Warn & Rebuke antichrist preacher Mike Murdock to Repent. But he only hardens his heart. Great majority of these pimps will perish (mirrored)
THE MOST HIGH CASTING HIS PEOPLE OUT OF HIS SIGHT FOR A SMALL TIME & SEASON.🕎Jeremiah 17:4-5 And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee & I will cause thee to serve thine enemies
THE BIBLICAL 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL, BLACKS & BLACK LATINOS (NORTHERN, SOUTHERN KINGDOM)🕎Psalms 147;19 “He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel”
A FAKE GOSPEL Ken Copeland, a Reptilian, controlled by fallen angels, gives false prophecy to fellow reptilian pimp Morris Cerullo (deceased, not in Heaven) mirrored
GREAT FALSE WONDERS! Fallen angels take control of false preachers Ken Copeland (reptilian) & Rodney Howard Browne give false prophecies/total chaos. Masses to a dark jesus far from YAH (mirrored)