7 months ago

UNITED we stand.. divided we FALL! Listen folks, I am a Patriot, not a Progessive or anything else, but human and a Messianic (Hebrew "Christian"). a TRUTH seeker. FAITH, first, before POLITICS. When I stumble onto DJT/POTUS45 info that seems to disagree with what we ALL wish to believe and offends you, stirring up emotions and NAME CALLING, the enemy has already gotten to you. That's exactly what LIBTARDS do, because they lack anything but emotion, without truths, facts or scientific proof, lacking common sense logic and/or any true intellect. PLUS, (and I see this a lot)) it divides patriots. Job well done, ha'satan and his minions. I came to RUMBLE, as many of you did, seeking for FREE SPEECH. I appreciate reasonable, well thought out, reponses, including CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, not name-calling. I'd rather each and every one of you to communicate in HELPFUL ways. CORRECT me! Do so, item by item, not just some negative comment or accusation. SHOW your intelligence! PROVE that much to me! No idiotic accusations, allegations or criticism WITHOUT FACTS, EVIDENCE or PROOF. I post with a healthy OPEN MIND and CONSERVATIVE HEART. I don't do it for money NOR to serve any other agenda, only to make news and OPINIONS available, out of love. If I dare to IGNORE ( as in "ignorance" ) negative items about someone or somethiang we all are or wish to be fans of, it is in OPPOSITION NOT TO FELLOW PATRIOTS, but in opposition to CENSORSHIP and NARROW MINDEDNESS.

SO, when someone asks me to PROVE something / ANYTHING, then DISPROVE it yourself, or just be a LAZY NAME-CALLER and get OFF my channel.
I simply DO NOT respect nor value ANY OTHER types of responses.
Noticed one of my videos was listed by GOGGLE head, when doing a FACT CHECK search / research on MY OWN VIDEO about DJT accusations.
Search: "Son of Enos", the one who "used to be a BIG Tromp fan and supporter.
Imagine what we could do UNITED together, if we disproved most or all of this!!
We could contact them and correct them and/or leave correction info on their websites, channels and/or videos. Divided...?!? NO! STOP!!!

2 Thes. 2: 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with ALL power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with ALL unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason GOD will send them STRONG DELUSION, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

It could be argued that sending THEM delusion refers to the wicked ones.
I believe it to be ALL "who did not believe the truth".
Again, all REASONABLE opinions are WELCOME!

That is all.
Over & Out!

Ωmega Knigh†
Low [Flying] Hawk
eladi (atlawidisgi) tawodi

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