1 year agoThe Bible reading series Exodus 9:1-7 and Mathew 23:1-12Journey through the Bible with Scott Lutz
2 years agoThe NIV Bible reading series Genesis 47:1-12 and Mathew 17:22-23Journey through the Bible with Scott Lutz
1 year agoBryson Gray: ‘I never knew you depart from Me, ye that work iniquity', Matthew 7:21-23 - 5/9/23Alex Jones TVVerified
2 years agoETERNAL LIFE IS HIS FREE GIFT!! | MEMORIZE HIS VERSES TODAY | Romans 6:23Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years ago12.22.2022 | STORM MINISTRIES DBV | CHRISTMAS DAY | MATTHEW 1:23 (NLT) | #shortsStormMinistries
2 years agoWho is responsible for farming? (The Sower and the seed Matthew 13:1-23)Gollihuefamilydiscipleship
1 year agoAlex Jones: And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, “All power is given unto Me in Heaven and on earth, Matthew 28:18-20 - 10/20/23Alex Jones TVVerified
1 year agoPastor Greg Locke: Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it, Matthew 7:13-14 - 12/13/23Alex Jones TVVerified
3 years ago◄ Matthew 5:39 ► ...whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.faithnibbles
2 years agoTV Globo entrevista Presidente Bolsonaro - Renata Vasconcellos - FIQUE em casa (2022,8,23)Entering the rabbit hole
3 years ago◄ Matthew 5:38 ► Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.faithnibbles