Who is responsible for farming? (The Sower and the seed Matthew 13:1-23)

2 years ago

Who is responsible for farming? (The Sower and the seed Matthew 13:1-23)
One of the most important things at any job is communication when it comes to the delegation of tasks on the job. One of the major problems you see at a workplace is that most of the time when something gets overlooked or undone it is because the person supposed to do it thought someone else was taking care of it or they did not know it was their responsibility. A good manager will make sure that their workforce has a clear understanding of what their responsibilities for the day are and that they know they will be held accountable for what is not completed. As we begin to study this “the parable of the sower” one of the most important things we must understand is who is responsible for sowing the seed of God’s word? Who is the farmer in the farmer in the story that is throwing the seed of God’s word everywhere? Who is responsible for the task of sowing the seed in God’s kingdom?
Just like a good manager on the job, God has left nothing to doubt and has made it clear who is responsible for the task of sharing His word with the world. The church (all believers, disciples) is responsible for sharing the seed of God’s word with those around them. So, if you claim Jesus Christ as your Lord, then you should know that it is 100% your responsibility to be spreading the seed of Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone around you. If you are parent, it is your responsibility to share it with your children, if you are a husband, it is your responsibility to share it with your wife (and vice versa), if you are an employee, it is your responsibility to share it with your coworkers, if you have neighbors, it is your responsibility to share the gospel with them, etc. You get the point, if you are a child of God, it is your responsibility to sow the seed of God’s word wherever you go and with whomever you encounter.

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