2 years agoAdam Andrzejewski: NIH Slow-Walking FOIA Requests for Fauci’s Finances | TEASERAmerican Thought LeadersVerified
2 years agoWe got the laptops on January 6, 2021.This is why they call that day an insurrection!TracieRene
2 years agoFirst Brazil now Peru - The military parade is positioning their soldiers for EBS in PERUAlohaQWorld Updates that matter
2 years agoFlorida Surgeon General at the Covid-19 Panel targets the fake stream mediaTrueLoveFaithVerified
7 months agoIn 2007, Alan Watt warned that mass immigration would be used to incite societal conflicFree Your Mind Videos
6 months agoTake me with you 🤣 👽 We all need a good laugh at times - Keep the FaithTrueLoveFaithVerified
2 years agoIrish Priest Insists Deputy Prime Minister Will Go To HellEXPOSE the PEDOS end of the CABAL
1 year agoNavalny was an intelligence officer for MI6 the CIACrimesAgainstHumanity - NAZIwarCRIMES - DS TERROR
8 months agoAngel White: Pedo Trump & Obama 9/11 We Remember We Rebuild We Come Back Stronger!KimOsboel
3 years agoFrance - Forbiden to enter the restaurants/supermarkets, the French had a picnic in the streets!TruthAndFreedom1