1. Competition will keep YOU entangled in the affairs of the world, instead be focused on your CALLING!

    Competition will keep YOU entangled in the affairs of the world, instead be focused on your CALLING!

  2. Jesus offers a better ministry than any other Priest or Minister of the Gospel can offer YOU!

    Jesus offers a better ministry than any other Priest or Minister of the Gospel can offer YOU!

  3. Our Focus should be on the LORD Jesus, reject ungodliness, and the immoral desires of the world!

    Our Focus should be on the LORD Jesus, reject ungodliness, and the immoral desires of the world!

  4. The moment YOU are Born Again all your sins are Forgiven and there is no longer a sacrifice for it!

    The moment YOU are Born Again all your sins are Forgiven and there is no longer a sacrifice for it!

  5. You can have CONFIDENCE by entering into the place where JESUS is by his BLOOD alone!

    You can have CONFIDENCE by entering into the place where JESUS is by his BLOOD alone!

  6. The New Covenant requires OBEDIENCE, because YOU are sanctified & set apart with God through Jesus!

    The New Covenant requires OBEDIENCE, because YOU are sanctified & set apart with God through Jesus!

  7. In ALL of our STRUGGLES, as a PEOPLE, there are mysteries or knowledge found only in Jesus!

    In ALL of our STRUGGLES, as a PEOPLE, there are mysteries or knowledge found only in Jesus!

  8. The Vengeance of the LORD is coming for those WHO created distress, didn't KNOW God & remained Idle!

    The Vengeance of the LORD is coming for those WHO created distress, didn't KNOW God & remained Idle!

  9. You are made complete when God's presence floods your life, and have an abundance in EVERYTHING!

    You are made complete when God's presence floods your life, and have an abundance in EVERYTHING!

  10. The POWER of GOD is immeasurable, and able to do exceedingly in everything through YOU!

    The POWER of GOD is immeasurable, and able to do exceedingly in everything through YOU!

  11. There is only ONE Faith, and one HOLY SPIRIT bringing us into perfect UNITY through the LORD Jesus!

    There is only ONE Faith, and one HOLY SPIRIT bringing us into perfect UNITY through the LORD Jesus!

  12. You are blessed when trials come, but you do not have to give into temptation when the devil comes!

    You are blessed when trials come, but you do not have to give into temptation when the devil comes!

  13. God doesn't show favoritism, and he doesn't want YOU poor. But, RICH!

    God doesn't show favoritism, and he doesn't want YOU poor. But, RICH!

  14. Your words have the ability to speak life into your situation or devastation to the enemy!

    Your words have the ability to speak life into your situation or devastation to the enemy!

  15. Injustice and Evil will ALWAYS be present in the World, and your words will impact your environment!

    Injustice and Evil will ALWAYS be present in the World, and your words will impact your environment!

  16. Bible Secrets Revealed: How Art Shaped Religion's History #shorts #religion #god #jesus #yah

    Bible Secrets Revealed: How Art Shaped Religion's History #shorts #religion #god #jesus #yah

  17. The LORD will Allow People to be led by the wicked Agenda of AntiChrist, instead of following Jesus!

    The LORD will Allow People to be led by the wicked Agenda of AntiChrist, instead of following Jesus!

  18. Surrender and LOVE is the instruction going forward in your walk with the LORD!

    Surrender and LOVE is the instruction going forward in your walk with the LORD!

  19. You can RENEW your ENTIRE being with the WORD of GOD, as YOU lead your spouse with the word!

    You can RENEW your ENTIRE being with the WORD of GOD, as YOU lead your spouse with the word!

  20. You have a heavenly account ALWAYS accessible, as YOU continue to do what the LORD is showing You!

    You have a heavenly account ALWAYS accessible, as YOU continue to do what the LORD is showing You!

  21. Honor, Respect, and Contentment are a form of Godliness; whereas, some turned it into a Business!

    Honor, Respect, and Contentment are a form of Godliness; whereas, some turned it into a Business!

  22. Group of ‘Children’ Responsible for Grandmother Murder

    Group of ‘Children’ Responsible for Grandmother Murder

  23. You can see the Glory of God, if YOU will invite JESUS in to come and VISIT You that way!

    You can see the Glory of God, if YOU will invite JESUS in to come and VISIT You that way!

  24. You cannot write people off because they are useless to YOU!

    You cannot write people off because they are useless to YOU!
