1. The NFSC warned a few years ago that critical infrastructure in the US could be attacked by the CCP

    The NFSC warned a few years ago that critical infrastructure in the US could be attacked by the CCP

  2. Kathleen Winn: I love that the NFSC was the first to expose the formation of the new Axis of Evil

    Kathleen Winn: I love that the NFSC was the first to expose the formation of the new Axis of Evil

  3. The NFSC members are not the only ones protesting on site of the Biden-Xi Conference!

    The NFSC members are not the only ones protesting on site of the Biden-Xi Conference!

  4. Over 100 local NFSC members joined our protest in San Francisco alone!

    Over 100 local NFSC members joined our protest in San Francisco alone!

  5. The CCP targets the NFSC is because it knows we have real intelligence

    The CCP targets the NFSC is because it knows we have real intelligence

  6. 【飞飞秀】 国安部原副部长马建:我相信文贵 你们判我死刑吧!宁愿去死也不诬陷郭文贵。Miles Guo NFSC Hao Haidong Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Sports GETTR

    【飞飞秀】 国安部原副部长马建:我相信文贵 你们判我死刑吧!宁愿去死也不诬陷郭文贵。Miles Guo NFSC Hao Haidong Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Sports GETTR

  7. The NFSC doesn't seek money or any assistance from anyone to help take down the CCP!

    The NFSC doesn't seek money or any assistance from anyone to help take down the CCP!

  8. Jason Robertson: Everyone should spend more time on the official website of the NFSC

    Jason Robertson: Everyone should spend more time on the official website of the NFSC

  9. 【郝海东】有的人以为七哥和郝海东是在编! 在危言耸听!Miles Guo NFSC Hao Haidong Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Sports GETTR

    【郝海东】有的人以为七哥和郝海东是在编! 在危言耸听!Miles Guo NFSC Hao Haidong Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Sports GETTR

  10. 【郝海东】足球带给我现在的一切包括快乐和噩梦 Miles Guo NFSC Hao Haidong Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Sports GETTR

    【郝海东】足球带给我现在的一切包括快乐和噩梦 Miles Guo NFSC Hao Haidong Take Down the CCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA Sports GETTR

  11. The NFSC Does Not Meddle in the Bipartisan Disputes in the US

    The NFSC Does Not Meddle in the Bipartisan Disputes in the US

  12. Follow NFSC,只有跟随新中国联邦,才能起获中共的海外间谍网,才能将美国司法、律师以及政府部门内的所有被中共收买的黑手一网打尽

    Follow NFSC,只有跟随新中国联邦,才能起获中共的海外间谍网,才能将美国司法、律师以及政府部门内的所有被中共收买的黑手一网打尽

  13. I encourage this Congress to work with NFSC, take back America from the weaponized federal agencies

    I encourage this Congress to work with NFSC, take back America from the weaponized federal agencies

  14. The hosts of the Wayne Dupree podcast are also suppressed due to their support for the NFSC

    The hosts of the Wayne Dupree podcast are also suppressed due to their support for the NFSC

  15. NFSC members don't need to worry about Ms. Yvette Wang, as she remains calm and peaceful

    NFSC members don't need to worry about Ms. Yvette Wang, as she remains calm and peaceful

  16. Participating in The Wayne Dupree Podcast allows the NFSC members to directly talk to the Americans

    Participating in The Wayne Dupree Podcast allows the NFSC members to directly talk to the Americans

  17. Yvette Wang said she is impressed by the NFSC members' power and dedication and thanks her visitors

    Yvette Wang said she is impressed by the NFSC members' power and dedication and thanks her visitors

  18. Kari Donovan on what makes the NFSC team unique

    Kari Donovan on what makes the NFSC team unique

  19. 4月10日 梅迪卡边境下着冰冷的雨,一群刚刚过境的乌克兰难民被国际营救义工带进法治基金新中国联邦的大帐篷 47星期六中午12点半(波兰时间)来自前线记者战友: Nicole NFSC&RLF Ukraine Res

    4月10日 梅迪卡边境下着冰冷的雨,一群刚刚过境的乌克兰难民被国际营救义工带进法治基金新中国联邦的大帐篷 47星期六中午12点半(波兰时间)来自前线记者战友: Nicole NFSC&RLF Ukraine Res
