Kathleen Winn: I love that the NFSC was the first to expose the formation of the new Axis of Evil

1 year ago

9/13/2023【​​Nicole on the Winn Tucson China Watch】Kathleen Winn: I love that the NFSC was the first to expose the formation of the new Axis of Evil alliance between the CCP, Russia, and North Korea. This is also one of the reasons that Mr. Miles Guo cannot be released on bail and is being silenced. I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate the work that the NFSC has done.
#decouple #divest #CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/13/2023 【妮可参加温图森中国观察节目】凯瑟琳女士:我热爱新中国联邦,是它第一个将中俄朝形成新邪恶轴心国的事爆出来的。这也是为什么郭文贵先生无法被保释并遭到噤声的原因之一。我无法用言语来充分表达我有多么感激新中国联邦所做的工作。
#脱钩 #撤资 #中共 #消灭中共

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