So True: This is Possibly the #1 Issue Tarot Readers Find in Their Clients—Make Room for the NEW! (#OrbAlert at 0.07.. the Orb Agrees) | “The Autistic Mystic” on YouTube. #SuperShorts
WE in 5D: “EXACTLY ME and I Still Get in Trouble for it”—Do You Have the Indigo / Crystal / Lightworker Rebel Gene? It isn’t Always “Buddha” Peaceful or Pretty.. and it Can be Quite Unruly!
Bashar—The Influence of the Illuminati. | You are Not Trying to Eradicate the Illuminati (You Think So, But Your Soul Knows Better). SOURCE IS ALL, and Dark Will ALWAYS Exist for the Student-Souls. You’re Working to Ascend Beyond That Hardcore School!
The Attempt for Higher Timelines(?) GUARDIANS OF THE LOOKING GLASS APPEAR TO BE BACK. But Why Are They Still Playing in the 3D YouTube Playing Field with Monetized Videos While Working to Help Humanity!? — New “INSPⒾRED” Interview w/ Jacob Frank
Addressing Asleep-As-Anybody-Else Trump Supporters, Particularly of the Christian Slant, and Creating New Diverse Actually-Informative Expos/Conventions/Tours.
The Awakening Could’ve Happened a Little Faster. JUST SAYING. This Speech Happened and Yet There is Still Denial, or Little to No Comprehension of the Illuminati—MIND BLOWING!
RFK Jr. on His Son’s Ayahuasca Journey | While Trump is the Most Centrist (it Just Means Sane) Republican, and Even the Most Centrist President of any Party in a Long Time, RFK Jr. is the Balance Ideal in a Hypothetical Trump/Kennedy Run.
Spiritual Sovereign Individuals Are the Real Threat—Not “Conservatives”. These Are the Twelve (12) Main Threats, as Far as U.S. Government is Concerned (Some Were Even Temporarily Banned on Truth Social).
ALEX JONES IN 3.5 MIN: The Illuminati, Source Energy, Free Will, 5D, and A.I.!—He’s Not a Reductive Christian Poster Child. Hell, He Could Easily Have a Productive Chat with Sarah Elkhaldy. He Plays a “Mike Pence-Like” Matrix Role to His Audience!
What is the Highest Income Tax Any American Should Have to Pay?—If We Held Legitimate Elections and Lived in Integrity Reflecting 5D This Would Have Been Your Ego-Checked President, But We're Not Done w/ Our Own Ego So the Best Reflection is Trump!
World Leaders, Conservatives and Liberals Alike Finally Acknowledge the Illuminati. The Enemy is Within, AND WE —ARE— BEATING THEM. Do NOT Conform to Their False Reality!