6 months agoUnder the sunset, the dog happily runs with a group of ducklings. #CutePets #DogsExploring the Infinite Joys of Canine Companionship
3 years agoBest chicken breeds for pets | Barred Rock Chickens - Australorp Chickens - Easter Egger ChickensHappyHome
2 years agoEmpowering Your Heart to Survive the End of the Age | The Restoration to the Happily Ever AfterTeshuvah Ministries, Inc.
3 years agoWhat do Chickens like to EAT?? | Cheap Chicken Food | Best Chicken Treats Volume 2HappyHome
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8 months agoRacist Joe Biden rejects a selfie with the only Black girl in the crowd, but happilyB-N-F-A-T-WVerified
2 years agoGast happily describes some of the “gender affirming” surgeries she offers to adolescentsAMERICAEXPOSED
3 months agoThe black cat at the shrine happily rubbed up against me when I got closeImpressedCatVideo