Joy Reid Asks Why We Need More Kids, Twitter Happily Answers

10 months ago

Ah, Joy Reid. We talk about her frequently, and usually because she's saying something outrageous (like Trump is just like Hitler) or getting schooled by a guest for saying something outrageous (or lies). She's been doing both for years, going back to her absurd claim her blog was hacked to insert homophobic and anti-semitic things. Sure, Jan. Whatever you say. Now she's at it again, this time wondering why -- in a country of 327 million people -- we need kids. --- MSNBC’s Joy Reid: “The U.S. has a population of 327 million people. Why do we need more kids?!” - “What’s the purpose?” -- Yikes. Well, Joy, thankfully Twitter/X users are more than happy to tell you what the purpose of having kids is.

Also would like “taxpayers” to pay for Social Security, Medicare and even more govt 🤦🏻‍♀️ Where does she think taxpayer dollars come from? Unicorn farts? -- Because you have turned the federal government into a giant ponzi scheme with socialist policies over the last 100 years and if we do not have a growing population everybody who has paid into this system will become destitute as our economy collapses. -- A bleaker, but still accurate take on things. -- Also Joy Reid: 3 Children. But now, somehow, that's different. Or maybe she'll claim a time traveler gave her those kids, just like they hacked her old, bigoted blog. -- We could ask the same question about illegal immigrants but you would call that racist. #WeAreFull -- In a heartbeat. Everything is racist to her. -- Why do we need Joy Reid? That’s what everyone should be asking.

• More at: Twitchy - Joy Reid Asks Why We Need More Kids, Twitter Happily Answers
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