Joy Reid Asks Why We Need More Kids, Twitter Happily Answers

1 year ago

Ah, Joy Reid. We talk about her frequently, and usually because she's saying something outrageous (like Trump is just like Hitler) or getting schooled by a guest for saying something outrageous (or lies). She's been doing both for years, going back to her absurd claim her blog was hacked to insert homophobic and anti-semitic things. Sure, Jan. Whatever you say. Now she's at it again, this time wondering why -- in a country of 327 million people -- we need kids. --- MSNBC’s Joy Reid: “The U.S. has a population of 327 million people. Why do we need more kids?!” - “What’s the purpose?” -- Yikes. Well, Joy, thankfully Twitter/X users are more than happy to tell you what the purpose of having kids is.

Also would like “taxpayers” to pay for Social Security, Medicare and even more govt 🤦🏻‍♀️ Where does she think taxpayer dollars come from? Unicorn farts? -- Because you have turned the federal government into a giant ponzi scheme with socialist policies over the last 100 years and if we do not have a growing population everybody who has paid into this system will become destitute as our economy collapses. -- A bleaker, but still accurate take on things. -- Also Joy Reid: 3 Children. But now, somehow, that's different. Or maybe she'll claim a time traveler gave her those kids, just like they hacked her old, bigoted blog. -- We could ask the same question about illegal immigrants but you would call that racist. #WeAreFull -- In a heartbeat. Everything is racist to her. -- Why do we need Joy Reid? That’s what everyone should be asking.

• More at: Twitchy - Joy Reid Asks Why We Need More Kids, Twitter Happily Answers
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