Underground Bunkers | Why Are Zuckerberg & "The Elites" Building Underground Bunkers? Why Did Gates Build a Global Seed Vault In Norway? What Is the Anthropocene? Isaiah 2: 10-21 & Revelation 6: 14-17 + Tucker & Rogan On Nephilim
The Bible | Pastor Hotsenpiller + Tucker Carlson On Alex Jones- "Whether You Believe Revelation (& Daniel) Or Not They Are Building the Mark of the Beast Cashless Society." + Understanding CBDCs, BRICS, Quantum Dots & Dedollarization
BRICS | Is BRICS the Key to New International Monetary System? Is BRICS Building Infrastructure to By-Pass SWIFT & Other Payment Channels of the West (The U.S.)? BRICS Set to Add New Members (UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.) Jan. 1st 2024
The Epstein Awards | Graphene | Researchers At GA Tech Have Produced a Working, Scalable Semiconductor Created from Graphene for the First Time (1/4/2024) | "By 2030, the Smartphone Will Be Built Into Our Bodies." - Lundmark (Nokia)
Remnant Church | Pastor Benjamin Hosts Remnant Church Tonight (Thurs Dec. 21st 2023 At 6:30 PM Central)!!! + Tucker Carlson / Alex Jones: "Whether You Believe Revelation Or Not They Are Building the Mark of the Beast Cashless Society."
Graphene | "By 2030 Smartphones Will Be Built Into Bodies." - Pekka Lundmark (Nokia CEO) | What Is Patent US-9539-210B2? Vaccine Nanotechnology | GA Tech Produces First Working, Scalable Semiconductor Created from Graphene (1/4/2024)
Artificial Intelligence | Adiabatic Quantum Computation Technology (AQC) | "We're Dealing w/ An Exotic Hyper-Intelligent Life Form." - Zach Vorhies (Whistleblower) + "By 2030 Smartphones Will Be Built Into Bodies." - Pekka Lundmar