12.20.23- Epstein LIST coming_ Starlink, Colorado FAIL, Immigration surge, Higgins_J6_LARA, Pray!

1 year ago

WATCH: Liz Cheney says she agrees with Trump on 93% of policy issues, but she's against him because he's a threat to the country, the republic, and the U.S. constitution https://t.me/traceytray17/204778

The Democrat mayor of Chicago ran on a platform promising he'd make the city a home for the illegal criminals streaming across our border. https://t.me/traceytray17/204776

Most important short clip of the decade - beautifully illustrating our descent into Pharma/WEF tyranny - https://t.me/traceytray17/204739

Looking back now, I hope everybody is coming to understand fully just HOW MUCH of a disaster this was for all their plans. https://t.me/riseofthenewmedia/5621

Starlink is the Black Eye that protects our internet, power grid and other critical infrastructure. https://t.me/freedomforcebattalion/54154

Kash Patel:
"Shut down the Hoover building immediately. I think you open it up the next day as a museum of the deep state. https://t.me/freedomforcebattalion/54395

Kash Patel says the FBI has Jeffrey Epstein's little black book and that Trump should release every name on day one of his next administration. He wants to see a continuous declass post 2024. They have it all. 👀https://t.me/freedomforcebattalion/54394

For the past 3 years, crooked Joe Biden and the ultra-radical left Democratic extremists in Congress have turned America into a haven for bloodthirsty criminals.. - President Donald J. Trump https://t.me/freedomforcebattalion/54337

Klaus Schwab Christmas https://t.me/conservativejblQck1776/129764

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