4 months ago🔵Due Process #2. Writs, Process, Void & Voidable procedure |C&S Class-2024-09-21Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Part 2. Rebuttable Presumptions, How tyrants and black robed priests enslave the world.Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Magna Carta (2) Overview and analysis | VSOF Sat Civics & Sovereignty class 2022-12-14Vocational Science of Freedom
5 months ago🟠The origins of the Medical Mafia - And how it kills you everyday. 2024-9-7 | Sat. C&S classVocational Science of Freedom
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6 months ago🔵Burness Speakman 1 - The Legacy of the Constitution for the United States | Reclaim your estateVocational Science of Freedom
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2 years ago🔵VSOF TimeLine Class Part 4: Lies and Thievery of 4000 years, the History of the Old-world order AnewVocational Science of Freedom
2 years ago🔵VSOF TimeLine Class Part 3: Lies and Thievery of 4000 years, the History of the Old-world order AnewVocational Science of Freedom
2 years ago🔵VSOF TimeLine Class Part 2: Lies and Thievery of 4000 years, the History of the Old-world order AnewVocational Science of Freedom
2 years ago🔵VSOF TimeLine Class part 7: Lies and Thievery of 4000 years, the History of the Old-world order AnewVocational Science of Freedom