StewPetersShow with Dr. Zandre Botha - Technology found in plasma from vaccinated patients

2 years ago

Stew Peters on the Stew Peters Show hosted by Redvoice Media, shows HD graphics of what appears to be PVA microbubbles attach themselves in clusters and replaces Dr. Botha#s vaccinated patients.

A must see interview that made scientists scratch their heads. naturally many people including myself started researching this. I concluded these are functional PMMA and/or PVA microbubble materials of polymeric origin.

In EU drug and device regulations, biosurfactants such as these are classified as Aroma in a variety of foods, soft drinks and beers.

I believe the substances shown in this video are self-assembling poly-vinyl-alcohol material found in 50+ years old literature. Often cross linked with graphene based hydrogels in which the inner payload is protected by pegylated coating layers (often called nano lipids or envelopes) capable of crossing the BBB.

When comparing decades old images of these self-assembling nano particulates with these new findings, they are to me undoubtedly recognized and almost identical to microscopy expert Dr. Zandre Botha's findings in 2021.

As with all independent thinkers these days, eventually they come to realize that simply questioning the vaccine or challenge the covid narrative is heavily censored and outright prohibited on MSM channels and platforms. In fact, merely talking publicly about these topics will get you in so much trouble that those who witnessed the treatment they receive have become too afraid to speak up themself in fear of the same.

At this point I have no sympathy for those who have their heads in the sand. If you Rage With The Machine - You Are Hereby My Enemy.

May God have mercy on your soul.

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