FOC Show: THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH: What’s REALLY Going on in Georgia with Trump? - Breanna Morello; Praying for America: Is It an Effective Solution? - Marty Grisham
Patrick Bet-David | Learn How Patrick-Bet David Built a Life Insurance Business With 16,000 Agents + Patrick Bet-David Shares About Why He Loves the Freedom America Provides So Deeply + Patrick Bet David's Interview w/ Kobe
Bill Gates | How Is Bill Gates Reducing His Carbon Footprint? "I Don't Use Some of the Less Proven Approaches. I Don't Plant Trees." - Bill Gates | If America Is G.I.Joe, Is Bill Gates Cobra Commander? What Is
COVID-19 Shots | What's Inside the Shots? "Inside of COVID Shots People Received, In Hydrogel There Exists Pathogens." - Todd Callender + Should America Ban Volcanoes, Cars & Dinnerware to Keep Americans 100% Safe?
Bill Gates | Who Is Bill Gates? A Deep Into the Life & Agenda of Gates | "It Won't Be Normal Until We Get An Amazing Vaccine Into the Entire World." Where Did Gates Come From? Why Is Gates Attempting to Dim the Sun & Buy Up America&