🎬 😈 Documentary: "The Obama Deception" and His Plans to Destroy America From Within

5 months ago

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The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans. It’s not about Left or Right: it’s about a One World Government.
👉 “The Council” are the Deep State Traitors … They Run the USA! https://tinyurl.com/3xhfkzhv
👉 "Fall of the Republic ~ The Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama" https://tinyurl.com/4yf6d72t
👉 Obama/Clinton's 16-year Plan to Destroy America https://tinyurl.com/2kxp6d9b
👉 Judge Joe Brown Drops Some Truth Bombs About Barack Obama's Past: https://tinyurl.com/2d7aymw7
👉 The History, Origins and Intentions of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset, Secret Societies and the New World Order Cult www.DeepStateTruth.com
Source: Alex Jones Infowars
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