The Knights Templar Protocols/Rituals for Shaping Reality with Your Mind! — Quazi Johir | The Knights Templar: One of the Origins of Freemasonry, and Eventually the Infiltrating Illuminati (Illuminized-Freemasonry).
ASCENSION | Your BEST Understanding of The Matrix—and it’s Relation to the Balancing of Your Masculine/Feminine Energy, and Unhealthy Patterns Caused by the Lack of Balance!
Trump’s Space Force, Elon Musk’s SpaceX, and Project Blue Beam to Ignite COG/“Continuity Of Government” and Seize Control of the Government + The Global Awakening and More! | Shane Cashman and Dark Journalist on InfoWars (6/9/23)
Media and Homeland Security Warn “Right-Wing Extremists” Plan to Attack Power Grid. | Alex Jones: If We Lose the Information War, in Essence We’ve Failed—OF COURSE WE’LL WIN the Physical War, But if We get There You’ll Wish You Did a Lot More!