Fellowship - Derek Prince (How to find your place)

2 years ago

This is a video teaching by Derek from the early 1970s. This is old film footage, and it looks it! But that is part of what makes it so special. Yes, the black-and-white image is grainy. Yes, the graphics are quite crude. But watching this DVD is like traveling in a time machine. And, of course, the teaching is pure Derek Prince—in his prime. Enjoy and be blessed!

Bible Teaching Resources: www.derekprince.com

Table of Contents:
I. Fellowship—Greek koinonia—Literally “Having Things In Common”
A. 1 Cor. 1:9—The gospel is an invitation to enter into the fellowship of Jesus
1. “Unto” indicates that fellowship is an “end,” desirable for its own sake.
2. Preaching and teaching are “means,” successful only if they achieve the
desired “end.”
B. 1 John 1:3—The New Testament record was written to bring us into fellowship of
the Godhead. There are three eternal features of the Godhead:
1. Fatherhood
2. Headship
3. Fellowship
C. 1 John 1:4—Fullness of joy results from fullness of fellowship with God and with
each other
D. 1 John 1:5–6—If we entertain wrong attitudes, we are in darkness, and we are
excluded from the light of God’s fellowship.
E. 1 John 1:7—Continual walking in the light produces continual fellowship and
continual cleansing.
1. Out of fellowship—out of the light
2. The blood does not cleanse in the dark
F. 1 John 1:8–9—When we come to the light, we are cleansed
G. John 3:19–21—Our reaction to the light determines our destiny
H. Isaiah 31:9b—In “Zion” (the place of fellowship) God’s purifying furnace burns
I. Fellowship is the “brook” where stones are made smooth for the Lord’s sling.
II. Fellowship Is The Birthplace Of God’s Purposes
A. Examples of decisions made in the fellowship of the Godhead:
1. Gen. 1:26—The decision to make man
2. Gen. 3:22—The decision to expel man from the garden
3. Gen. 11:7—The decision to confound man’s language
4. Isaiah 6:8—The quest for a messenger to Israel
B. John 1:1, 18—The unbroken communion and fellowship of the Godhead
1. All the purposes of God, in time, are born out of this fellowship in eternity
2. Likewise, the birthplace of God’s purposes in His people is the place of
C. John 3:6—Only from this place of spiritual birth can spiritual purposes be brought
1. Acts 1:14—The church was born at Pentecost after ten days of fellowship
2. Acts 13:1–3; 14:26—The first missionary journey was born out of fellowship
3. 1 John 5:4—What is born of God cannot be defeated by the world. The
spiritual life of the USA was born out of the fellowship of the pilgrims, and its
purpose is not yet fulfilled.
D. Eph. 5:21—Fellowship demands:
1. Commitment
2. Submission
E. Acts 2:46–47—Out of the place of fellowship, the Holy Spirit brings forth
spiritual birth
F. Acts 2:42—Four basic activities of New Testament Christianity:
1. Teaching
2. Fellowship
3. Eating together
4. Prayer


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