Jason and the Argonauts (1963 Full Movie) | Adventure/Fantasy | Dir.: Don Chaffey; Cast: Douglas Wilmer, Todd Armstrong, Honor Blackman, Nigel Green, Gary Raymond.
Mysterious Island (1961 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Adventure | Dir.: Cy Endfield; Cast: Michael Craig, Joan Greenwood, Herbert Lom, Michael Callan, Gary Merrill, Dan Jackson.
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1970 Full Movie) | Fantasy/Adventure | Dir.: Val Guest; Cast: Victoria Vetri, Robin Hawdon, Patrick Allen, Imogen Hassall.
SIGHTINGS: A Toxic Killer in Area 51??, What Crashed into Shag Harbour in Nova Scotia Canada?, Proof of Intelligent Life on Mars, Dramatic UFO Encounter Over Iran, Sand Rings (AKA Crop Circles in Sand), and More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]