Freemasonry linked to Street Gangs, Occult Symbolism and Gang Signs, Illuminati, Secret Societies

10 months ago

*** Gang Signs and Masonic Symbols, Occult Symbolism and Street Gangs, Illuminati, Secret Societies ***

For educational purposes. I do not take credit for the content in this video.

The CIA is also very involed with various secret societies. We already know the CIA introduces drugs to major cities. It's all connected. They use the mafia, gangs, and cartels to do their dirty work and sometimes even promise them police protection. Some police officers are even part of gangs.

CIA does a lot. They've created gangs, satanic cults, trafficking cults (The Finders), fund terrorist groups and other shady organizations, smuggle guns and money to various organizations around the world, etc. (Will post story on Ronald Bernard). The CIA is basically a rogue group.

I will be posting a documentary/video about "The Finders". You can find a few ~1 hour documentaries on YouTube. I may mirror one from there.

Crips and Bloods, gangs, gang signs, crip, crips, blood, Bloods,

Gangs affiliated with freemasons.
Street Gans linked to freemasons.
Chakra solfeggio frequencies spirit spiritual source Charles Manson cult cults tiktok tik tok Twitter Facebook YouTube reddit free thinker thinking freely united states of America north south east west atlantic pacific indian Ocean mysteries oceans mystery dead sea unknown DEW direct energy weapons weapon energies gravity anti-gravity live life zombie apocalypse apocalyptic zombies freemasonry freemason masonic mason secretsocieties secret societies society cabal illuminati killuminati skullandbones illuminutty FBI NSA CIA asset Hollywood Pentagon fame conspiracy great awakening biden joe rogan corruption cash money finance fox news fake deep state thefinders the finders crips bloods Gang gangs sign signsnsymbol symbols symbology symbolism clone clones hollywood elite adrenochrome chemical compound A113 satan lucifer satanic evil worship deities deity molech moloch molek baal balenciaga baalenciaga ufos ufo uap uaps hologram holograms bluebeam collusion nasa sex trafficking traffickers trafficked sacrificed sacrifice sacrifices sacrificial cult cults area51 area 51 dream land dreamland cartel cartels mexico mexican mafia organized crime theory MKUltra hypnosis hypnotism hypnotic jesse watters lara logan CP snuff film films affiliated affiliation connected connection connections mitchell Gerber China ccp Chinese cccp communism communist government governments new world order mk ultra tucker Carlson Fox News clip mainstream PSYOP indoctrination brainwashing 1% 99% 0% 1776 titanic hijacked plane crash flight 11 77 93 175 370 Malaysia MH370 MAS370 12 13 families bloodline blood Jesus christ almighty magic black Magick sorcery wizard wizardry magician invisible invisibility cloak Antarctica Europe Australia Africa Rockefeller Rothschild bohemian Grove George Bush Donald Trump Joe biden barrack obama numerology alphanumerical cipher gematria calculator Hebrew nasa deceive seer stones Joseph Smith moon Mars saturn sun worship pagan paganism truth movement red pill pilled Jesus God Christ almighty yeshua Christianity Christians Christian catholic catholicism church Vatican Italy holy spirit spiritual spirituality ryan garcia Tom hanks pedo pedophilia drugs sex violence poverty elite 13 families bloodline thirteen 33 thirty three Rockefeller bank finance financial banking system centralized banks decentralized Rothschild patriot patriotic truth is stranger than fiction 007 technology intelligence agencies redacted information alternative news source Isaac kappy epstein Island little Boys girls boy lover girl lover pope pedo pedophile pedophiles pedophilia pizza gate leaked emails hillary clinton John podesta skull and bones Charlie freak David Straight SGanon SG anon qanon q Gang stalking 1871 constitution 1776 Karen Hudes lawyer interview attorney presidential debate president POTUS

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